Re-configuring My Cabin

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My cabin, well if you call it a cabin, was tiny. Now it’s bigger but still tiny… I thought I could stand up properly but, it’s more of walking trying to touch your toes.  Only some of the things are cut. So it ends up looking like someone’s room whos really in to blocky structures. (in slideshow above.) As you can see my cabin isn’t done, when it’s done I’ll have a small desk, a bed, and possibly a swinging thingy to sit on. I also will get to paint my room white. I’m excited for the time my room will be finished.

5 Replies to “Re-configuring My Cabin”

  1. Anonyomous magical unicorn says: Reply

    So cool Savai! I can’t wait to see it when it’s done.

  2. PegaKitten101 says: Reply

    I sometimes wish I could live on a boat. I think it would be super cool to live on a boat for a little while. I hope your family has lots of fun on the trip!

  3. That sounds awesome!

  4. Hi Tim Troy here previous owner as Margaret Anna. Think about her often, and am very happy for you guys. Surfed the boat down a fifty foot sea at almost thirty knots in seventy knots of wind. I have sailed thousands of blue water miles and she will bring safely through whatever YOU can handle! I’ll be happy to answer any questions .

    1. Hi Tim, great to hear from you! I am really glad you reached out to us as I would love to chat about a number of things. We are in the middle of a refit and I would love your input on a couple of topics. I will reach out via email soon. Thanks again for making contact!

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