Along our route we have found many things that we would like to take a closer look at. We have found shells, interesting sand, rocks, grasses, etc. We have also found Musk oxen fur and even Polar bear fur! Sometimes we find bones. So far we have found a duck skull, a Sandhill crane skull, and some sort of mystery ocean shellfish.

We look at our treasures under our Brock Magiscope. It is a very simple, sturdy microscope that does not require electricity. You focus by moving the barrel up and down.

Also you can take photos with your smartphone through the lens. You can see some photos below.
Thin t-shirt Onion Glitter A Tiki bird feather from Florida Polar bear fur
We have used our magiscope a lot. We have looked at various things from strange places around the world like Florida (feathers and sand), Alaska (feathers, skulls, etc.), Mexico (salt crystals), and some other out-of-place places around the globe.

My favorite report so far! Good Work!
Hi Savai, So great that you are collecting stuff! I bet the staff at the Port Townsend Marine Science Center would love to see your mystery shellfish. When you run out of oddities to identify and document, let me know if you want photos of things from my collection that I can’t figure out at all.
That is so interesting! I bet my son would also like a microscope like that, too – so cool to look at different things close up.
Wendy and Wiley Perreault (9) (Cullen, Ciannat and John’s friends in Decatur, GA)
Savai, I can’t wait to see you next week! I really liked your salt crystal and the onion and tee shirt. I think those are REALLY COOL. There is a sad part about the duck skull and SandHillCrane, cuz I like cranes and ducks. I really want to get to Hawaii soon and I would would really like to see your stuff under the magiscope!!!!!!!
Jake : )
The microscope pictures are cool!