[Photos by John Guillote. Learn more about his work here and here.]

Thanks to our dear friends and Arctic crew members, Becca and John Guillote, there’s a fantastic feature on Dogbark in this month’s Cruising World Magazine. Becca did some investigative journalism to learn more about our boat’s history than even we knew, and John’s photos capture our family’s journey with panache. Thank you, John and Becca! And thank you, Cruising World! (Get yer copy from your local boosktore or chandlery.)
Now, if you’re wondering what Becca and John are up to these days–besides writing great articles and taking great photos–well, they’re doing just that! BACK IN THE ARCTIC! You can follow their journey on Sikuliaq, a research vessel studying sea ice, at Ice in Motion. They’ve got a live tracker, awesome stories and photos, and you can even hang out in the Arctic from the comfort of your cubicle living room. Go, John! Go, Becca! Go, accessible, real-world, cutting-edge science!
But wait! you’re thinking. Didn’t Becca and John cross from Panama to the Gambiers this past summer on their Valiant 40, Halcyon? How’d they end up all the way north?! They flew. They traded their tropical adventure–at least for the time being–for an Arctic one. Brrr. (We never said John and Becca were ordinary.) But don’t worry; they left good old Halcyon on the hard, under a watchful eye, in the Marquesas.
Which brings us to our final media moment. Remember our kid friend and crew member, Solomon? He and his dad bashed south on Dogbark with us from Hawai’i to the Marquesas. Sol made this clever faux movie trailer to commemorate our voyage, and I thought it would give you a chuckle. It certainly made me smile. And just so you get the inside joke, “Peanut” is Sol’s yellow lab who, it seems, has very good taste in movies. (But I have no idea who “Super Grover” is. Sol???) Enjoy!
Thank you, thank you, Dogbark crew, for giving us so much cool stuff to read, follow, track, watch learn and dream about!
Thanks for shout outs, Janna! And I love the video trailer, Sol – I think we might need to hire you for our video work… 🙂
Thank you for posting my video on your blog. Also super Grover is Grover from Sesame street but a super hero. Look into it it’s real!
I think the video was phenomenal, and the music fit perfectly. Although, there was a suspense in the music that had me worried for a bit. Congratulations to a budding film producer!