During our “ wintering” in Honolulu we have all gotten into a routine of weekly racing, going to the stables and for me, aerial silks.
Aerial silks are the big long silks you see people doing flips & drops and poses on in the circus. I like it because it’s one of those things I can climb on without getting yelled at by my dad. I first got into it when our neighbors approached my dad and asked if he knew how they could get theirs up the mast. So a couple days later they put their spinnaker pole up and somebody wrapped into the aerial silks.

Over the past six months I have been biking to the Still & Moving Center (https://www.stillandmovingcenter.com/ ) where I am taking classes with other students my age. And I have gathered a boatload of skills, including flips, drops, and many poses. Silks is definitely one of my new passions!

Wow! Until now, I thought the singer Pink was the only performer in mid-air silks, but now I see it’s a whole lifestyle, in Hawaii!
How cool that you can study this while living on a dock where you can do it every day, Savai…will your bedroom in Bainbridge have a mast out the window for you??!
Congratulations, and keep swinging!
Crys, Jake and Bryan