Halfway Day!

The following is an update from the boat people, coordinated by the land person known as Talia. Today the crew opened up the halfway box, a traditon running strong on Dogbark for all passages. Mom and I picked everything out and today since the boat is half way to AK, they finally get to see what is inside! Enjoy the update from Graeme!

Position: 57.06’N, 137.41’W
Speed: 7.3knots
Course: 292
Wind: variable to 4 knots, (currently S, but NW an hour ago)
Sea: light swell from SW, glassy
Sky: 100% cloud cover, some patchy fog, visibility currently 5 miles

We are on a motor boat ride.  We sailed most of yesterday as the wind had enough east in it to let us make good progress towards Sitka, which we passed 50 miles off the beam this morning.  Then things shut down (as forecast) and we have been burning diesel ever since. 

We had a smashingly good halfway party with the box of goodies prepared by Talia and Janna.  Hot items were the fidget spinners, the rubber spatula that said something like “show the cook some love” and the mustache and google eyes that somehow ended up on our pet whale who lives under the dodger. And the candy, which is almost all gone 24 hours later. Not sure who ate more, Solomon, Lizzy, or Marek, but let’s just say there was a serious sugar high on this boat. And I am not sure that Solomon slept a wink.  So that may be a clue to the whereabouts of our missing candy…

The crew enjoying all the goodies. Apologies for the low quality, it was sent through a satellite so there’s only so much we can do

The plan from here is more of the same.  We are slightly west of the route plan, but are loosely following tendrils of wind, trying to stay between the great circle path to Whittier and our actual route. Mostly we are just motoring along.  Whales, Albatross, and I have just been informed that dolphins are keeping us company. The cockpit is a mess of board games and candy wrappers. Who is leading this motley crew anyway?  Time for me to get this boat in ship shape.  Might just see if there are any of those peanut M&Ms left first…

Savai and Sol are carving up a storm now. I am going to take a short nap, Eli and Sol are on watch while Marek is deep into the Dogbark movie collection. Lizzy is practicing splicing. 

Savai showing off pirate tatoos that came from the box!

Have a great week everyone. We will continue with updates as Dogbark gets closer to shore!

3 Replies to “Halfway Day!”

  1. Thanks for the update, Talia! To be clear, technically YESTERDAY (Sunday around noon) was the halfway point. There’s just a lag in reporting/posting. But I was impressed they could get those photos to send. Tiny but cool to see their faces, not just spliced in photos from last year’s trip w Sol and Eli.

  2. Congrats to the motley crew for making it “halfway there! Oh oh, Livin’ on a prayer!” I’m sure you sang that Bon Jovi song in honor of your accomplishment! And thank you to Janna & Tali for curating the box to keep spirits, and blood sugar, high.
    C U soon!

  3. Fantastic! … I will relay this to our mates here at Liberty Bay Marina (including all five law offices) as well a friends far and wide … Let me know if you will be stopping in Homer, I can have my friend Marjo serve you another dinner …


    Steve Burton …

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