Our Wonderful Food

During our overnight passages and in Pt. Hope, we have had wonderful food!

One of my favorites was steak. Now this steak is not like any steak you’ve ever had, this was John’s special recipe “Johns Moose T-bone Steak!” Marinated in sesame oil, sesame seeds, teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, and much more. But you have to make sure you have sesame seeds that’s the bomb. When you take your first bite, the flavor fills your mouth with smoky sweet, an umami flavor. Really a great sensation. But wait till you have tried passage pasta.

Passage pasta is a wonderful treat that requires some tough work first. You have to make the dough, then you have to let the dough sit, by then its been an hour. So you cut the dough and let that dry overnight . Then finally you have… PASSAGE PASTA! Cook in boiling water for three minutes and fry in pan with pesto or red sauce and  TA DAAAAAA!!!!! Passage pasta ready to eat. The only thing is what shape is the pasta? Travelers Twists? Maybe Fisherman’s Fettucini? Or Sailors Spaghetti? My favorite is Talia’s Sailors Spaghetti with pesto and artichoke hearts, parmesan cheese, and garlic. But the real stuff is the dessert, the chocolate moose. Melted chocolate chips, egg whites, cinnamon and vanilla with a couple other things. Pop it in the cooler for 24 hours and boom, chocolate moose [sic]. We do not have a cold enough fridge but hopefully if we leave it in there long enough, we can get it just a little more thick. We’ve had great food on Dogbark and we are still making more recipes so hopefully we won’t starve.

9 Replies to “Our Wonderful Food”

  1. Moose steak umm…Larry & I love moose steak…sounds like you are having a great time…miss you ladies…hugs Renee’

  2. Two more additions: Talia’s hand cut Thai coconut fried noodles. Spectacular, and only possible with great fresh pasta. Also, Becca’s bread. She is baking fresh honey white loaves as I write this. Yum!

  3. Maureen Ashley says: Reply

    Sign me up for all of the above !!! What a bunch of talented creators ! Just who I’d like to be stranded with on a deserted island which happened to be loaded with cheese, meat, flour, yeast, eggs, vegetables, salt, butter AND sugar and of course, my beloved Cheyenne !

    More safe and interesting travels………!
    Love, Reen

  4. Veronica Johnson says: Reply

    What is your final destination? Safe sailing…hugs from Seattle

  5. Hi! It’s Ava! I miss you guys so much! Your pasta looks so delicious! I also hope you don’t starve!🤪 Bye!!!!

  6. YUM! Can I come for dinner?

  7. I am so incredibly impressed! Much better than our usual rice and beans! Thanks for sharing your gourmet adventures.

  8. Hi! that food sounds SO GOOD!!!!! thanks for keeping us updated

  9. that food sounds SO GOOD!!!!! thanks for keeping us updated

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