I have been trying and trying (and trying) to get book reviews working on our website but have not been able to figure it out. Gah! I am seriously technically challenged. This test-post is my last-ditch effort. Apologies if you see this post with wonky formatting or coming and going more than once. Let's hope, in the end, it works!
For guinea-pig content, let's use my memoir, The Motion of the Ocean. It's been out for almost a decade but I continue to benefit from one of the best parts of putting one's work into the world ... getting feedback. Yesterday, a woman named Barbara emailed me. Here's what she said:
I happened upon a garage sale last Friday, met a lovely woman and learned she was clearing out her home of 18 years, preparing to move permanently and full time onto her boat. They are preparing for a Pacific Crossing much like what you and Graeme did. I bought several books from her, one of them being The Motion of the Ocean. Started reading as soon as I got home. I need to tell you that it has been a very long time since I have laughed that hard and that long, while reading your hysterical description of the pump out at Shilshole. I was laughing so hard that my husband heard me from outside. I made him come in the house, sit down while I read it to him. He laughed so hard there were tears and snorting. And today I provided transportation for my niece for a day surgery. She was very nervous and tense and as we waited to go into the Surgery Center, I gave her the book, passage marked, and by the time she finished belly laughing her stress was gone. I loved your story and now your book will start its travels. I write my name on the inside cover and pass it on to the first of my five sisters. Eventually it will come back to me and take its rightful place in my bookcase. Look forward to more from you. Thank you again! I wish I were a sailor but unfortunately I get nauseous on our little lake.
Wow. So generous of her to take the time to write these kind thoughts. What a gift. Thanks, Barbara!
OK, so that's what I'll say about MOTO as my little test post. Now let's see if this puppy will work. I've tried everything I can think of so far ... except hit publish. Once I do that the support forum folks will be able to see my post and help. Here goes!
You’re coming though very clean, Janna. And “The Motion of the Ocean” is still one of my all time favorite stories. When will we see the next book?
I can confirm it’s working in one obscure, little mountain town in Canada. I’ve got to get another copy of that book. Too good. “Too” good because we were eager to share it, and it’s never come back. If you are sailing past here one winter, throw one overboard.
I loved your book! In fact I shared it with several girlfriends and we all loved the story and your sense of humor! You are a very talented writer. Your courage and adventure on the trip with Graeme and the one you are currently on with your family is pure inspiration for me and my husband. We plan to take a year off in 2020 to travel America’s Great Loop. Not exactly an ocean passage, but a dream trip for us! I look forward to your next book, should there be one in the works!
Yes, your book made me laugh and laugh! And now I’m cruising with my husband of 30ish years. Keep writing, we need more laughter.