Had a pleasant, fast sail across Queen Charlotte Sound entrance to Haida Gwaii. We focused on birds, with sightings of brown albatross, petrels, something like sheerwaters, and puffins. Lots of puffins.
Pacific Northwest
Captain’s Report – Day 2 – West Side Vancouver Island

Sailed most of the night under main alone, but have a bit of jib pulled out now on starboard gibe.
Dogbark to Alaska Again – Day 1

Get yer trackers loaded, folks! Dogbark is sailing north to Alaska again. It’s fun to watch their progress as they go.
We’re Back!

Greeted by family and friends with tears in their eyes, there was much hugging and merriment.
The Early Expedition

“Uggghhh! I don’t want to get up,” moaned my sister, or maybe it was me. The plan of the day was to wake up at five and drive four hours round-trip to Tow Hill hike and the semi-famous blow-hole hike.
An Amazing Adventure in Haida Gwaii

Dogbark has reached Haida Gwaii, a place with huge forests, intriguing wildlife, and lots of Haida culture and history. After a couple stops at Haida Heritage sites complete with totem poles and hot springs, we headed to a beautiful anchorage called Crescent Inlet where we decided to go on a bushwhack!
Week 1 in Photos

This gives you a visual sense of our first week cruising. For a beautiful description in words, check out Becca’s blog post at halcyonwandering.com.
Quick update from the top of Vancouver Island

We are jumping off to Haida Gwaii today. We will be out of service for a bit, so I wanted to share a few photos from the trip so far…
Islands and Sunshine and Dolphins, Oh My!

We’ve finally set sail, and headed off into the beautiful San Juan Islands and Inside Passage (Not to be confused with the Northwest Passage). Many people have asked “What’s it like?”, or “Where are you?”. Currently, I am on a big sailboat steaming towards the not-so-big town of Port Hardy, on the east side of Vancouver Island.
Why Cruising with Kids? Why the NW Passage? Why Dogbark?

Ever since sailing across the Pacific on our honeymoon, Graeme and I have dreamed of cruising with kids…