Real-time Tracker for S/V Dogbark

Big news: By popular and parental demand, we now have a real-time tracker for S/V Dogbark! Note that the web address is case sensitive So now you can see where we are any time you like.

First: Read Becca’s post about the first chill back in Haida Gwaii here.

And now to recap: In late June, Dogbark crossed the Gulf of Alaska to Kodiak.

Eli, Becca, and John enjoying Sushi in Kodiak on the cut. Graeme said, “Looks like Iceland here!”
Harbor in Kodiak, Alaska at 10:30 p.m. Graeme says it never really got fully dark.

Then on to Dutch Harbor. They made it in last Friday, just in time for Eli to catch his flight home on Saturday. Thanks, Eli, for helping deliver our ship safely!

Graeme sent this photo from Dutch with the caption “Dogbark is a navigational hazard for eagles”–which doesn’t make as much sense without the new-fangled “live” part of the photo that shows the eagle flying/swerving by screeching.

This morning, after waiting a couple days for the weather to lie down, Graeme, John, and Becca set sail toward Nome, Alaska, about 650 miles north. Before leaving, Graeme texted, “The first hop is 375 miles and it might be easiest to just keep going. Guess the weather will tell us what to do, but if John has his way we are stopping at Nunivak Island. Muskox there and a nice village.”

So that’s the latest from Dogbark!

In other news, the girls and I have had a fun and family-filled visit in the PNW. The highlight was having our cousin and godson Jake hang with us for a whole week. Wish it could have been longer!!! We camped on Bainbridge Island, visited with neighbors, met our new baby niece Peri, played with our toddler niece Raven, popped tags at the infamous Rotary Auction, celebrated Independence on Whidbey Island, loved every minute of Cousins Camp (thanks, Bird and Buck!), and saw my bro, sis-in-law, and niece Ava before putting the girls on Da Boata for Camp Sealth where I was a camper growing up. Whew! A whirlwind. Now I’m hanging with my folks in PT, tackling all the to-dos I didn’t get to before we left. E.g., anyone want to buy an awesome but rusty Toyota Landcruiser?

So that’s the latest from “home.” On Sunday we fly north to Nome and begin our new life on our new home, sailing into the Arctic Circle, through the Northwest Passage, and on to Greenland. I’m delighted to report that I am EXCITED! And that’s a good good feeling.

2 Replies to “Real-time Tracker for S/V Dogbark”

  1. I love the blogs! I tracked the boat and was in awe. I can’t wait until the next update! Keep us posted and have fun! 💜

  2. Sarah Callender says: Reply

    I hope I was the second best highlight?!?! Hard to compete with Jake, I know. Hugs and THANK YOU for the tracker! I will be riding along with you, never fear! xoxoxox!

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