The following is an update from the boat people, coordinated by the land person known as Talia. Today the crew opened up the halfway box, a traditon running strong on Dogbark for all passages. Mom and I picked everything out and today since the boat is half way to AK, they finally get to see what is inside! Enjoy the update from Graeme!
Author: Talia
We’re Back!

Greeted by family and friends with tears in their eyes, there was much hugging and merriment.
Solomon’s Sea Life Essay

Get excited, everyone, because this is’s first ever guest blogger! Solomon is an eleven year old with a big smile and a big desire for fun. He is also, as it turns out, a very good writer!
A Year of Earth Science

It’s June, which means it’s also almost time for THE END OF BOATSCHOOL!!!!! Dad gave me a fun end-of-year science assignment that I would like to share with y’all. (Actually, I am being FORCED to post this as part of the assignment, sorry Dad for blowing your cover). Anyway, here’s the assignment…
The Cookie Catastrophe!

This was a fun science presentation that I did a few months ago. I just found the pictures and decided to post it!
Being a Cruiser Kid instead of just a Cruiser

What is a cruising kid, you ask? It’s a kid with parents just as crazy as ours who decided to quit school and jobs and head off on a boat to remote and exotic places. Hundreds of boats flock to French Polynesia each year, quite a few of them with kids!
Adventures With Albatross

The best adventures always start way earlier in the morning than you want them too. Our albatross hike was no different.
New Year, New Route!

Happy New Year! For those of you who don’t already know, I will unveil the details of our often-debated, subject-to-small-changes route for 2019.
Catherine, Called Birdy

The book is mostly about Catherine’s various ingenious plots on how to keep suitors away, and her complaints about spinning and other jobs reserved for women of the time. It’s pretty great.
See You in the Cosmos

If you like books with dogs and quirky characters, then this is the book for you!
Visiting an Ukulele Factory!

Yesterday our friends Jeff and Cheri offered to bring us along to tour their neighbor’s ukulele factory. Of course, we said yes because who wouldn’t want to tour one of the most successful ukulele buisnesses in the world?
A Day in the Life of a Dogbarkian

For those of you that do not know, Dogbark has tied up at the dock in Honolulu at the Waikiki Yacht Club. We have settled in to a casual daily routine, and I’d like to share it with you so you know what it’s like to live at the dock.
How the Hawaiians Discovered Their Paradise

Long long ago in the South Pacific a clan of sailors left their home on a long voyage. They were searching for new islands…
Mukluk’s Adventures in Point Hope

Land Ho! DogBark’s crew cheered, (or actually just Savai and I). We had spotted Point Hope in the distance, a place where we were going to anchor to wait out a bad weather system.
Adventures with Dogs (AKA the BEST Kind of Adventure)

I LOVE dogs. So when I heard that we had been offered the chance to go hang out with dogs and go dog sledding, I said “YES!!!”
An Update from Nome: Welcoming People and Fantastic Food

“Look Mom, It’s Dogbark!” I said pointing out the airplane window as the plane coasted down towards Nome…
My Temporary Retirement

Mom, Savai, and I are all back home in Washington. I consider it to be a temporary retirement from all the work we had to do aboard Dogbark.
An Amazing Adventure in Haida Gwaii

Dogbark has reached Haida Gwaii, a place with huge forests, intriguing wildlife, and lots of Haida culture and history. After a couple stops at Haida Heritage sites complete with totem poles and hot springs, we headed to a beautiful anchorage called Crescent Inlet where we decided to go on a bushwhack!
Islands and Sunshine and Dolphins, Oh My!

We’ve finally set sail, and headed off into the beautiful San Juan Islands and Inside Passage (Not to be confused with the Northwest Passage). Many people have asked “What’s it like?”, or “Where are you?”. Currently, I am on a big sailboat steaming towards the not-so-big town of Port Hardy, on the east side of Vancouver Island.
How to use a Chop Saw

I learned how to use a chop saw and by the end of the day, I was a CHOP SAW MASTER! I decided to make a video so that you can become a CHOP SAW MASTER, too!
Passage Pasta (One of Our Current Dreams)

Once upon a time there was a dad. He had already decided that he and his family were going to move on to a boat. So, he had another idea. He and his two amazing daughters were going to start a pasta company…
Talia’s Northwest Passage and Europe Bucket List

Well, I’m just gonna go ahead and say that so far I have definitely not been the person in my family who is most excited about this trip. But, there are some things that I am really looking forward to. Here is a list…
Dogbark’s Route (Talia’s Extremely Rough Draft)

It is hard to tell you anything about our route because it is designed to be extremely flexible. But here is a list of our (possible) major stops, and the distance between each one.