Whew. Twenty-twenty is a rough one. Our family is hanging in there. How about you? I worry about people near and far, and how they’re coping.

One way I cope is by trying (trying!) to maintain my sense of community. I’ve found comfort, strength, and joy in connecting online and outside with family and friends, my book club of twenty years, my antiracism group of six years, and my favorite online community, Women Who Sail. The latter has been instrumental in facilitating conversations in the larger sailing community about equity and inclusion. I view the rising awareness about racial injustice as one of 2020’s silver linings, one we must continue, with great commitment, to grow.
I also cope by reading. So I’m thrilled to be doing book recommendations for the awesome Women Who Sail newsletter, which tackles a timely, thought-provoking topic each month, e.g. diversity & equity or health & resilience. You don’t even have to be a woman or a sailor to enjoy the topics (or subscribe to the newsletter)!
So, as the new book curator for Women Who Sail, I wanted to let you know about my latest recommendations. October’s topic was climate activism. I hope you find interest and/or optimism in the readings I chose.
Let me know what resonates with you and what else you’d recommend reading about climate change! Our next newsletter topic is Leadership. What books would you recommend on that?
You can sign up for the monthly Women Who Sail newsletter and thereby receive my monthly book recs, Buoyed by Books, here.